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Tedavi Yöntemleri


  • 2007 - Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Cerrahi A.B.D.

Mesleki Üyelikleri

  • Türk Tabipler Birliği
  • Türkiye Karaciğer Nakli Derneği

Araştırma Yayınları

  • The effects of alterations in hepatic inflow and outflow on Kupffer cell function
  • Fırat Ö, Makay Ö, Önen Z,Mutlukoca N, Ömür Ö, Yılmaz F, Zeytunlu M, Çoker A, Yüzer Y. 42nd Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research – Rotterdam May 2007
  • Feasibility of duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction in pediatric left lobe liver transplantation.
  • Yilmaz,ZaferOnen,O.Duygu,GulayAksu,C.Arikan,M.Alper,M.Zeytunlu,M.Kilic.Division of liver transplantation,Kent Hospital,İzmir,Turkey.The 2011 Joint İnternational Congress of ILTS,ELITA,and LICAGE.June-2011.Valencia,SPAIN.
  • Evaluation of results of hepatic artery reconstructions in liver donor liver transplantation.
  • Alper,C.Yılmaz,Zafer Onen,O.Duygu,Gulay Aksu,C.Arikan,M.Zeytunlu,M.Kilic.Division of liver transplantation,Kent Hospital,İzmir,Turkey.The 2011 Joint İnternational Congress of ILTS,ELITA,and LICAGE.June-2011.Valencia,SPAIN.
  • EBV infection in EBV seropositive young children after liver transplantation.
  • Arikan,L.Doganay,Zafer Onen,O.S.Duygu,Gulay Aksu,C.Yilmaz,M.Zeytunlu,M.Alper,M.Kilic.Organ Transplantation Center,Liver Transplantation Unit,Kent Hospital,İzmir,Turkey.The International Liver Transplantation Society 17th Annual İnternational Congress.May-2012.San Francisco,CA.
  • Reduced segmental graft for Infants:an an alternative for the infants who needs liver transplantation-Single center experience
  • Zafer Onen,Cahit Yılmaz,Rasim Farajov,Çiğdem Arıkan,Mehmet Alper,Murat Kılıç,Murat Zeytunlu.Liver Transplantation Department,Kent Hospital,İzmir,Turkey..7th Congress of the International Pediatric Transplant Association(IPTA)-Warsaw,Poland.July-2013 (Sözlü Sunu)
  • Liver donor liver transplantation for Budd-Chiari Syndrome.
  • Farajov,Z.Onen,C.Yilmaz,O.Duygu,GulayAksu,L.Doganay,C.Arikan,M.Alper,M.Zeytunlu,M.Kilic.Liver Transplantation,Kent Hospital,İzmir,Turkey.The 2014 Joint İnternational Congress of ILTS,ELITA&LICAGE.June-2014.London,United Kingdom.
  • Donor safety is the key factor for success in live donor liver transplantation(LDLT),a single center experience
  • Zafer Onen,R.Farajov,C.Yilmaz,O.Duygu,C.Arikan,M.Alper,M.Kilic and Murat Zeytunlu.Liver Transplantation Department,Kent Hospital,Izmir.2015 ILTS,Chicago-USA
  • Reduced segmental grafts for infants weighing less than 10kgs:Unique Option to achieve smaller GRBWR
  • Zafer Onen,C.Yilmaz,R.Farajov,O.Duygu,C.Arikan,M.Alper,M.Kilic and Murat Zeytunlu.Liver Transplantation Department,Kent Hospital,Izmir.2015 ILTS,Chicago-USA
  • Feasibility and Outcome of Duct-To-Duct Biliary Reconstruction in Pediatric Left Lobe Liver Transplantation
  • Yilmaz,Zafer Onen,R.Farajov,O.Duygu,G.Aksu,M.Alper,Murat Zeytunlu,C.Arikan and Murat Kilic.Liver Transplantation Department,Kent Hospital,Izmir,ILTS 2015,Chicago-USA
  • Successful Posttransplant Long Term Immune Response To Live Virus Vaccines in Children
  • Cigdem Arikan,Zafer Onen,R.Farajov,O.Duygu,Murat Zeytunlu,C.Yilmaz and M.Kilic.Liver Transplantation Unit,Kent Hospital,İzmir.ILTS 2015,Chicago-USA